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    The academic program consists of bedside teaching, formal educational sessions, division and hospital-wide conferences and faculty development seminars. Fellows attend the CNH Fellows College, an institution-wide monthly seminar focused on medical education, research skills, quality improvement and leadership. This series is geared toward subspecialty fellows at Children’s National and is taught by faculty members within and outside of the division, many of whom have completed the Master Teacher Leadership Development Program at the George Washington University. Hospital Medicine Division conferences occur on a monthly basis and consist of journal club, morbidity and mortality conference, board review and clinical case conference. There are a multitude of faculty development and research conferences that occur throughout the year for all faculty in our division, which fellows are encouraged to take part in. Fellows are expected to contribute to division conferences and play a major teaching role while on the inpatient service. On a regular basis, faculty members observe the fellow’s teaching activities and provide feedback.


    Hospital committee membership and participation in a performance improvement initiative within the Hospital Medicine Division will facilitate exposure to such topics as risk management, safety, quality and infection control. Fellows will also learn about leadership, business administration and budgeting.

    Wellness and Community

    The psychological, emotional and physical well-being of trainees and faculty in our program is critical to the development of a resilient and vital workforce in pediatric hospital medicine. We encourage and support initiatives within the fellowship program which promote fellow and faculty wellness and enhance resiliency. This will be accomplished through a variety of methods, including education, clinical and non-clinical experiences and ready access to resources through the House Staff Council, GME office and Human Resources.
    Learn more about the House Staff Council